ExAurum reagent
ExAurum reagent
ExAurum reagent
ExAurum reagent

About ExAurum

Located in Yantai City, Shandong Province, YANTAI CNLITE MINERAL PROCESSING REAGENTS CO., LTD. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in services including environmentally-friendly gold ore refining, design, R&D, production and sales.

Produced by ExAurum Mining Reagent Co., Ltd, ExAurum eco-friendly gold leaching reagent is a high-tech product for gold extraction, which can 100% replace sodium cyanide without changing the original leaching process and equipment, as well as meet the advantages of both sodium cyanide and eco-friendly leaching reagents.

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About ExAurum


Gold CIP Process

Adsorbs gold from cyaniding pulp by active carbon

Gold CIP Process

Gold CIL Process

Simultaneously leaching & adsorbing gold

Gold CIL Process

Heap Leaching

A flexible & economic mineral processing method

Heap Leaching

Zinc Powder Replacement

Extracts gold from pregnant solution by zinc powder

Zinc Powder Replacment

Comparison with Sodium Cyanide

In order to investigate the difference of NaCN leaching reagent and ExAurum leaching reagent in the leaching effect on gold ore, we choose six kind of gold ore samples which are oxidized gold ore in Sultan Kush, oxidized gold ore in Tanzania , oxidized ore and mixed ore of gold mine in Tanzania , oxidized gold ore gravity separation tailings in Tanzania (T5) for leaching comparison test.

Summary of Test Results while Using NaCN and ExAurum Leaching Reagent
Name of Ore Sample Category of Ore Sample Leaching Rate of AU (%) Final dosage (kg/t) Carbon Adsorption Rate(%) Leaching Cost Comparison $/ton
NaCN ExAurum ExAurum-NaCN NaCN ExAurum ExAurum-NaCN NaCN ExAurum ExAurum-NaCN NaCN ExAurum ExAurum-NaCN
Gold Ore in Sultan Kush Oxidized GoldOre 91.45 91.44 -0.01 3.6 4 0.4 98.24 98.21 -0.03 10.45 9.29 -1.16
Tanzania BM Gold Mine Oxidized GoldOre 94.17 94.13 -0.04 1.2 1.2 0 96.90 96.79 -0.14 3.48 2.79 -0.69
MMG Gold Mine Oxidized GoldOre 93.68 93.71 0.03 2 2.4 0.4 97.95 97.91 -0.04 5.81 5.57 -0.24
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